Tree Identification

Balsam Fir
Abies balsamea
Grows to 60 feet
Tolerates Shade
Cool Moist Soil

Black Walnut
Juglans nigra
15-23 Leaflets per Leaf
½ inch Fleshy Exterior Nut
Brown-Colored Wood

Bur Oak
Quercus macrocarpa
Lobed leaf
Acorn Cap with Hairy Edge
Dark Gray Deeply Furrowed Bark

Colorado Blue Spruce
Picea Pungens
Many Ornamental Varieties
Sharp, Silverly Needles
Pyramid Shaped

Green Ash
Fraxinus pennsylvanica
Compound Leaf with 5-9 Leaflets
Wet soils
Wood used to make baseball bats

Japanese Lilac
Syringa reticulata
Full Sun
Moist, Well-drained Soil
Fragrant, White Blooms in Early Summer

Pin Oak
Quercus palustris
1/2 inch long acorns
Small deeply lobed leaf
Lower branches persist on stem.

River Birch
Betula nigra
Reddish Brown Shaggy Curly Bark
Wet Soils
Shade Tolerant

Siberian Elm
Ulmus pumila
Smallest Leaves of the Elm Trees
Introduced from Asia
Fast growing

Sugar Maple
Acer saccharum
Seeds Mature in Fall
Shade Tolerant
Orange Fall Color

White Spruce
Picea glauca
Grows to 65 feet
Full Sunlight to Partial Shade
Moist Loam Soil

Beaked Hazel
Corylus cornuta
Understory shrub
Tubelike beak at end of nut
Hazelnuts = Wildlife Food Source

Acer negundo
Compound Leaf
Short Lived
Poorly Formed Tree

Catalpa speciosa
Introduced to MN
Large heart-shaped leaves
Orchid-like flowers bloom in late spring.

Eastern Cottonwood
Populus deltoides
Large Tree with Massive Trunk
Cottony Seeds
Shade intolerant

Crataegus spp.
1-to-2-inch Thorns on Branches
Toothed Leaf Margins
Fruits Look Like Tiny Apples

Norway Spruce
Picea abies
Grows to 60 Feet
Drooping Branches, 6 in. Cones
European Species

Quaking Aspen
Populus tremuloides
Straight Trunk Lacking Side Branches
Golden Yellow Fall Color
Sandy or Rocky Soils

Scotch Pine
Pinus sylvestris
Single Trunk Often Crooked
Two Twisted Needles per Cluster
Introduced From Europe

Silver Maple
Acer saccharinum
Very Fast Growing
Short Bole with Wide Crown
Brittle Branches Often Break

Weeping Willow
Salix bablonica
Native to Eastern Asia
Gracefully Drooping Branches

Ilex verticillata
Found Near Wetland Edges
Red Fruit Persists in Winter
Birds Eat Fruit

Black Spruce
Picea mariana
Slender Tree with a Narrow Pyramid Shape
Wet or Poorly Drained Soil

Rhamnus cathartica
Invasive Understory Shrub
Introduced into United States
Oval Smooth Glossy Leaves

Choke Cherry
Prunus virginiana
Flowers/fruit Along Long Stalk
Fruit Eaten by Birds
Sprouts Prolifically

Eastern Red Cedar
Juniperus virginiana
Conifer with Scaly Needles
Pyramid Shape
Dry Soils

Lonicera spp.
Pink Flowers in Spring
Colorful Fruit in Summer
Screening or Windbreak Shrub

Paper Birch
Betula papyrifera
Fast Growing, Short-Lived
Papery, White Bark
Moist, Sandy-Loam Soils
Red (Norway) Pine
Pinus resinosa
State Tree; Grows to 70+ feet
Requires Full Sunlight
Sandy Soils

Shagbark Hickory
Carya ovata
Usually 5 Leaflets per Leaf
1 ½ Inch, 4-Ribbed Nut
Slow Growing Tree

Speckled Alder
Alnus rugosa
Lowland Shrub
Grows in or Near Wetland Areas
Redish Twigs with Large Buds

White Oak
Quercus alba
Deep to Shallow Lobed Leaves
Stout Twigs with no Ridges
Oblong Acorn with no Fringe